Περὶ τῶν Ἀρχαιοτήτων ἰδίως. Η Αρχαιολογία στην Ελλάδα του 19ου αιώνα μέσα από τις πηγές του Αρχείου των Υπηρεσιών των Αρχαιοτήτων (22-24 Οκτωβρίου 2014)
he evidence presented in this book on prehistoric habitation on Telos highlights the special relations between communities of the three islands, Telos, Kos and Rhodes in earlier times, in the Late Bronze Age, as suggested by shared material culture traits and practices attested from current research. Telos lies on the way from Rhodes to Kos and Miletus and its harbours must have been convenient ports of call on the maritime routes along the eastern Aegean string of islands and the coast of Asia Minor. LB I ceramic imports from Kos, Rhodes and Miletus testify to the external relations of the local community, while limited evidence for Cretan imports may suggest an indirect or filtered contact with Cretan centres, possibly via Rhodes. Accordingly, in the Mycenaean period, Telos fits very well into the interaction schemes of the Aegean koine in LH IIIA2 and the East Aegean koine in LH IIIB-IIIC, with imports from neighbouring islands and further afar. For the LB I, the finds from Garipa testify to the existence of a settlement at a suitable location both for the agricultural exploitation of the only fertile plain of Eristos in the otherwise rocky island and also for the control of sea routes to the north and south of the island, as Garipa is situated at short distances from the bays of Ayios Antonios (at 1.5 km) and Eristos (at 1 km). Proximity to the harbours, the Minoanising features of the assemblage and the imports from Crete, Rhodes, Kos and Miletus make a strong case for the active participation of the community in trade, cultural and technological networks of that time. Garipa on the small island of Telos earns a place on the map together with other larger Minoanised island communities, participating fully in contemporary trends and practices.